[期刊论文] 王加成,金栋平,带可控臂的绳系卫星短距释放实验研究,动力学与控制学报,2015, 13(6): 475-480.







Experimental research on short distance deployment of tethered satellite system with controllable arm

Jiacheng Wang, Dongping Jin


AbstractBased onphysical simulation experiment, an attitude control problem concerning the in-plane motion of a tethered satellite system with short distance deployment is studied by means of dynamics similarity between the ground- based experiments and the on-orbit system. Starting with nonlinear dynamic of the tethered satellite system with controllable arm, dynamics similarity conditions between the ground-based experiments and the on-orbit system are obtained, using the proportion differential feedback control strategy, a numerical simulation is performed to the attitude motion of the controlled tethered satellite. Subsequently, the similar on-orbit environment is realized by experimental platform. The ground-based test is conducted, the control of the attitude motion tethered satellite the tether swing is achieved only using.single rigid arm. Finally, the comparison of experimental and numerical results demonstrate that the of rigid ann can effectively control the deployment of the tethered satellite.

Keywordtethered satellite system; dynamics similarity; physical simulation; deployment; control

