Longitudinal flight dynamics of morphing aircraft with telescopic wings
Dongping Jin, Wenmei Zhao
Abstract:The paper studies the aerodynamic characteristics and the longitudinal flight dynamics of a morphing aircraft with telescopic wings during changing its wingspan. The mechanical model of the morphing aircraft is built by means of the multi-rigid-body systems dynamics first, thereby the longitudinal flight equation is obtained. Then, the time-varying parameters of morphing aircraft such as the center of gravity, moment of mass, and moment of inertia are given numerically. Furthermore, the wingspan-dependent aerodynamic forces of themorphing aircraft are numerically obtained using FLUENT software package in combination with the longitudinal dynamic equations. The results show that the contraction of wing will give rise to an abrupt change in longitudinal flight speed. To maintain a steady flight during wingspan change, a control for the pitch motion is necessary.
Keyword:telescopic wing; longitudinal flight; aerodynamic force; time-varying parameter