[期刊论文] 靳艳飞,李贝,色关联的乘性和加性色噪声激励下分段非线性模型的随机共振,物理学报,2014, 63(21): 210501







Stochastic resonance in a piecewise nonlinear system driven by colored correlated additive and multiplicative colored noises

Yanfei Jin, Bei Li


AbstractIn this paper, we study the stochastic resonance in a piecewise nonlinear system driven by a periodic signal and colored noises, which is described by multiplicative and additive colored noises with colored cross-correlation. Using the two-state theory and the unified colored approximation, we can derive the analytical expressions of the steady-state probability density and the signal-to-noise ratioSNR. Effects of colored noises and the periodic signal on SNR are presented. It is found that the conventional stochastic resonance and bona-fide stochastic resonance may exist in this system. Moreover, the value of the SNR peak decreases with increasing correlation time and correlation between the additive and multiplicative noises.

Keywordcolored noise; a piecewise nonlinear system; stochastic resonance

