Offset control of a space tethered mechanism using a controllable rigid arm
Hui Chen, Hao Wen, Dongping Jin, Haiyan Hu
Abstract:The paper presents the offset control and its optimal control problem of the in-plane motion of space tethered mechanism with a controllable rigid arm attached. The Poincar6 map of the in-plane motion shows that the orbit eccentricity corresponding to the in-plane motion for which the divergence occurs would have an increase when the controllable arm is introduced. By using the Gauss pseudospectral method, the nonlinear optimal control problem under consideration is discretized to a large-scale optimization problem first, and then the method of nonlinear programming is used to obtain numerical solutions. The numerical results show that the position and attitude dynamics of the tethered mechanism can be decoupled and the proposed control scheme is able to bring the states of the tether mechanism to the desired values by adequately adjusting the tether tension, the angular acceleration of the arm and the moment of momentum wheel. In addition, the proposed scheme with a state feedback can effectively suppress the effect of the disturbance.
Keyword:controllable rigid arm; tethered mechanism; offset control; Gauss pseudospectrum; state feedback