[期刊论文] 黄锐,胡海岩,赵永辉,Single-Input/Single-Output adaptive flutter suppression of a Three-Dimensional aeroelastic system, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2012, 35(2): 659-665.


Single-Input/Single-Output adaptive flutter suppression of a Three-Dimensional aeroelastic system

Rui Huang, Haiyan Hu, Yonghui Zhao


Abstract: An adaptive control scheme for linear output feedback was proposed to suppress aeroelastic vibrations on a three dimensional aeroelastic wing with unknown parameters, an external disturbance, and measurement noise. The control strategy was implemented through a trailing-edge control surface. Compared with the LQG (linear quadratic Gaussian) algorithm with residualization techniques, the proposed scheme resulted in a robust controller of reduced order. The numerical results demonstrated that the proposed control scheme suppressed the flutter of the aeroelastic model more effectively. In an ongoing research, the BGF (bounded-gain forgetting) estimator will be used in the discrete-time domain, and the proposed scheme will be testified in a low-speed wind tunnel.


原文链接: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/1.55746?journalCode=jgcd