[期刊论文] 郑远广, 王在华, The impact of delayed feedback on the pulsating oscillations of class-B lasers, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 2010, 45: 727-733.


The impact of delayed feedback on the pulsating oscillations of class-B lasers

Yuanguang Zheng, Zaihua Wang


Abstract: Class-B laser systems can be described by a set of slow–fast differential equations with a small parameter, and they exhibit pulsating oscillations in common. In this paper, the impact of the delayed feedback on the pulsating solutions is investigated. At first, a careful analysis of the local stability and bifurcation shows the existence of a series of Hopf bifurcations and double Hopf bifurcations when the strength of the delayed feedback or the delay increases, by means of stability switches. Then, an application of the geometric singular perturbation theory reveals the evolutional mechanism of the pulsating solutions from transients to stationary states, and the effect of the delayed feedback upon the pulsating solutions is examined.


原文链接: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0020746210000752