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Receding horizon control of retrieval of a tethered subsatellite with attitude

Xioayu Wang, Hao Wen, Dongping Jin


AbstractThis paper presents the nonlinear receding horizon control model of the retrieval process of a tethered subsatellite,which accounts for the attitude motion of the subsatellite.In order to obtain the numerical scheme for the controlled tethered subsatellite,the nonlinear receding horizon control problem is simplified into a set of linear optimal control by the quasi-linearization,and discretized at the corresponding Legendre-Gauss points. The numerical results show that the subsatellite can be retrieved by adjusting the tether tension and moment applied to the subsatellite.The proposed control scheme effectively works for the retrieval process of the tethered subsatellite in the presence of modeling errors,initial state perturbations,and external disturbances.

Keywordtethered satellite; attitude motion; nonlinear dynamics; receding horizon control; quasi-linearization

