[期刊论文] 李俊余, 王在华, 一类时滞系统Hurwitz稳定的简单判据, 动力学与控制学报, 2009, 7(2): 136-142.





摘要近年来,Lambert w函数已被成功的应用到时滞系统的稳定性分析中但由于Lambert W函数是一个超越方程的解而且它的求解需要借助数学软件Maple, MatlabMatllematica才能完成因此在理解和应用上都有一定困难本文通过深入研究首先利用初等函数描述了Lambert W函数根的分布情况进而给出了一类时滞系统渐近稳定和鲁棒稳定的简单判据利用新的判据原来可以用Lambert W函数来判定的时滞系统的稳定性问题现在只需要用初等函数就可以解决.

关键词Lainbert W 函数;稳定性;时滞系统;鲁棒稳定性

Simple criteria for the Hurwitz stability of some time - delay systems

Junyu Li, Zaihua Wang


AbstractRecently, Lambert W function has been found successful applications in stability analysis of time - delay systems. Because Lambert W function is defined as the solution of a transcendental equation, and it works only if some mathematical softwares such as Maple, Matlab or Mathematica are available, so the stability criteria based on Lambert W functions are not easy for understanding in applications. In this paper, two simple stability criteria have been derived from a careful investigation of the root location of Lambert W function, so that the stability as well as the robust stability of some time - delay systems checked by using Lambert W function can now be tested simply by calculating elementary functions.

KeywordLambert W function; stability; time -delay system; robust stability
