[期刊论文] 胥奇,石敏,王在华,Stability and delay sensitivity of neutral fractional-delay systems, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2016, 26(8): 084301.


Stability and delay sensitivity of neutral fractional-delay systems

Xu Qi, Min Shi, Zaiua Wang


Abstract: This paper generalizes the stability test method via integral estimation for integer-order neutral time-delay systems to neutral fractional-delay systems.The key step in stability test is the calculation of the number of unstable characteristic roots that is described by a definite integral over an interval from zero to a sufficient large upper limit. Algorithms for correctly estimating the upper limits of the integral are given in two concise ways, parameter dependent or independent. A special feature of the proposed method is that it judges the stability of fractional-delay systems simply by using rough integral estimation. Meanwhile, the paper shows that for some neutral fractional-delay systems, the stability is extremely sensitive to the change of time delays. Examples are given for demonstrating the proposed method as well as the delay sensitivity.


原文链接: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.4958713