[期刊论文] 陈提,文浩,胡海岩,金栋平,Quasi-time-optimal controller design for a rigid-flexible multibody system via absolute coordinate-based formulation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 88(1):623-633.


Quasi-time-optimal controller design for a rigid-flexible multibody system 

via absolute coordinate-based formulation

Ti Chen, Hao Wen, Haiyan Hu, Dongping Jin


Abstract: Previous studies have shown that the absolute coordinate-based formulation is an accurate modeling approach for the rigid-flexible multibody system subject to both large rotation and large deformation. However, it is almost impossible to design the complex controller for a rigid-flexible multibody system via the absolute coordinate-based formulation because of its high dimensions. The primary aim of this study is to design a quasi-optimal controller for a rigid-flexible multibody system via the absolute coordinate-based formulation. The design procedure includes two steps. As the first step, the simplified model for a rigid-flexible multibody system is established via the floating frame of reference formulation first, and then, a time-optimal controller is designed for the simplified model by using the Gauss pseudo-spectral method. In the second step, a quasi-time-optimal closed-loop tracking controller is achieved for the absolute coordinate-based formulation of the rigid-flexible multibody system by superposing a PD controller to track the pre-designed optimal trajectory. The paper presents two case studies for a hub-beam system, where only the motion of the rigid part is observable and driven. The numerical results of the two case studies well verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller.


原文链接: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11071-016-3265-4