[期刊论文] 纪斌,金栋平,柔性伸缩蒙皮支撑结构的多目标拓扑优化,计算力学学报,2018, 35(1): 1-6.




摘要:针对柔性伸缩蒙皮支撑结构的多目标拓扑优化问题,分析了其实际应用中的优化对象及目标函数,提出使用六边形对设计域进行离散的方法,并建立离散模型与位矩阵的映射关系。采用基于位矩阵的NSGA-(Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm )进行求解。优化过程中引入个体连通性分析以提高计算效率。通过对可行个体进行有限元分析,获得其目标值;使用罚函数法对不可行个体加以惩罚,最终得到一组互不支配的支撑结构。结果表明,本方法可为柔性伸缩蒙皮支撑结构的多目标拓扑优化问题提供可行、有效的解,也可用于求解其它二维多目标拓扑优化问题。

关键词拓扑优化, 多目标优化, 柔性蒙皮, 伸缩变形, 遗传算法


Multi-objective topology optimization of support structure for flexible telescope skin

Bin Ji, Dongping Jin


AbstractNSGA- with connectivity analysis is employed for the multi-objective topology optimization of the support structure for flexible telescope skin,in which bit-matrix is used as the representation of a chromosome. The objective functions of multi-objective topology optimization are established by analyzing the optimization target of the support structure. The design domain is discretized by hexagon and the mapping between design domain and the bit-matrix is established subsequently. In order to improve the efficiency, the connectivity analysis is put forward. The objectives such as the performance of in-plane and out-of-plane of the feasible individuals are obtained by FEA,and the NSGA- is realized by penalizing the infeasible individuals. A sequence of the feasible configurations of the support structure is obtained finally. It can be seen from the results that the method in this paper can provide feasible and effective solutions for multi-objective topology optimization of the support structure for flexible telescope skin and also solve other multi-objective topology optimization problems in 2D.


Keywordtopology optimization, multi-objective optimization, flexible skin, telescope morphing, genetic algorithm

原文链接: http://www.cjcm.net/jslxxb/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20180101&flag=1