胡海岩 院士|Prof. Haiyan Hu
胡海岩,力学家,北京理工大学教授,中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士,匈牙利科学院外籍院士。兼任中国科学院学部主席团成员、科学道德建设委员会主任,国家科学技术奖励委员会委员,国务院学位委员会力学学科评议组召集人,中国宇航学会副理事长,Journal of Sound and Vibration等5种国际期刊的顾问、副主编。
长期从事飞行器结构动力学与控制领域的研究工作。出版著作和教材6部,培养全国优秀博士学位论文获得者3人,全国力学、航空宇航学科优秀博士论文获得者3人,国家杰出青年科学基金和优秀青年基金获得者6人次。在振动控制系统的非线性动力学、非局部弹性结构的波动力学、飞行器机载设备的非线性隔振技术等方面取得重要进展;近年来致力于大型空间结构展开和组装动力学、飞机结构颤振主动控制等研究。获国家自然科学奖2项,国家科技进步奖1项,荣获何梁何利科学技术奖,周培源力学奖,美国ASME Caughey Dynamics Medal,俄罗斯莫斯科大学名誉博士,英国瑞丁大学名誉科学博士。
Prof. Haiyan Hu received Ph. D. in Solid Mechanics from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China in 1988. Afterwards, he joined the faculty of NUAA and became Professor of Mechanics in 1994. He was a Humboldt Research Fellow at University of Stuttgart, Germany from 1992 to 1994 and a Visiting Professor at Duke University, USA from 1996 to 1997.
Prof. Hu served as the President of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics from 2001 to 2007, and President of Beijing Institute of Technology from 2007 to 2017. He has played an important leadership role in promoting the Chinese academia as President of Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and President of Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering over the past two decades. Furthermore, he has been the Presidium Member of The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Member of General Assembly of International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, as well as editorial members for 6 international journals.
Prof. Hu has made recognized contributions to the nonlinear dynamics and control of aerospace systems, including the delayed control of flexible structures, the nonlinear vibration isolation of missile stabilizers, the active flutter suppression of aircraft structures, and the unfolding and assembling dynamics of space structures. He received the State Award of Natural Science twice in 2006 and 2012, respectively, and many honors, including Fellow of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007, Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2010, Honorary Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2022, Honorary Doctor of Moscow State University, Russia in 2015, Honorary Doctor of Science of University of Reading, UK in 2016, and ASME Caughey Dynamics Medal in 2023.