[期刊论文] 胡海岩,论线性系统的反共振问题,动力学与控制学报,2018, 16(5): 385-390.





关键词反共振, 机理, 振型节点, 两自由度系统

On ant-resonance problem of a linear system

Haiyan Hu


AbstractThis paper first points out that the mechanism of anti-resonances explained in many publications is not reasonable. Then, it presents the theoretical analysis on the anti-resonances of forced harmonic response for a system of two degrees of freedom, revealing the mechanism difference between the driving-point anti-resonance and the transfer anti-resonance, and the relationship between the anti-resonance and the node of a natural modeshape. Moreover, the paper demonstrates the above stated mechanism and relationship through a case study on the harmonically forced vibration of a rigid beam supported by two identical springs.

Keywordanti-resonance, mechanism, node of mode-shape, system of two degrees of freedom
