韦正涛|Dr. Zhengtao Wei


韦正涛|Dr. Zhengtao Wei



 主要研究方向为模块化航天器集群在轨自主组装,累计在Aerospace Science and TechnologyIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic SystemsActa Astronautica、动力学与控制学报等领域知名期刊发表论文10余篇。曾获博士研究生国家奖学金等。


Dr. Zhengtao Wei, is a postdoctoral fellowship at NUAA. He received his B.E. degree in engineering mechanics from NUAA in 2016. Afterward, he received his Ph.D. degree in dynamics and control from NUAA in 2023.

 His current research interests include the on-orbit autonomous assembly of modular spacecraft cluster and the air-bearing experiment over networked spacecraft simulators. He has published more than 10 papers in well-known journals such as Aerospace Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Acta Astronautica, and Journal of Dynamics and Control. He has won the national scholarship for doctoral students, etc.